Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Internship Module

    2. Prepare for Takeoff

    3. Do Your Research

    4. Activity 9.1 - Find Motivational Alignment In an Organization

    1. ROI Internships

    2. Activity 9.2 - Explore Internship Goals

    1. Day One Logistics

    2. During Your Internship

    3. Jill's Examples

    4. Ask, Prepare, and Follow Through

    5. Performance with Less Motivating Tasks

    6. Activity 9.3 - Track Your Internship Activities

    1. What, So What, Now What?

    2. Stay in Contact and Update Your Resume

    1. Drop the Landing Gears

    2. Module Feedback

    3. Thank You

    4. Challenge

About this course

  • $3.99
  • 18 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content